Jay Siegal of The Tokens produced the first and only LP this band every released. Their real name
were "The Fabulous Four", but the labels and manager changed their name several times, so they
ended up as "The Next Exit" for these two songs. On garagehangover.com and rockkansas.com you
can read a bit about the whole story of this great band.
With "Break Away" an overdubbed psych pop artifact awaits you. Somewhat of a moodmaker,
crawling out of the popular beat sound of 60's, like "Mr. Postman" or some hits by "The Lords"!
"In 1967 the group landed a great opportunity to travel New York to record "I'm the Only One" and
"Break Away" as the Next Exit for Warner Bros, produced by the Tokens. "Break Away" was written
by Stephen Friedland (aka Brute Force) and Paul Kahan, and is well-crafted psychedelic pop." ~

Here are comming some words from the guitarist of this band, about the song:
Bob Theen: This song was recorded in NY in 1967, produced by The Tokens. It was supposed to be
the title song for a movie that was released that next year in 1968 called “Butterflies Are Free’ The
movie did come out it ‘68 but for some reason unknown to us our recording was not chosen. The
song "I'm The Only One" was in the movie but only one short verse was sung by one of the stars on
an acoustic. Darn the luck!! The other side of this is "Breakaway".
Our version of the song was released in the spring of 1968 and got some air play here in K.C. MO.
Don't know about anywhere else. But evidently it wasn't a smash hit.
I still have a letter from Hank and Jay asking us to return to NY for some more recordings but for
some reason at the time the trip was too far. I still wonder to this day why we didn't go. I think it had
something to do with our families, wives, babies and that sort of thing.